Product Strategy: Considdr Website Redesign

Considdr website redesigns for desktop and mobile

Considdr was ready to take their growth to the next level and wanted a website that showcased the benefits of their search tools while reflecting the advanced technology supporting them. As the first designer to work with the team of three, I was tasked with designing a responsive website. A fresh look and clear content strategy would drive revenue by appealing to the target user, simplifying navigation and increasing conversions.

By starting the redesign process with user research, I was able to gain a much better understanding of the users’ needs and what features they found most valuable in conducing their work. We were able to pinpoint key features to highlight as well as better market positioning.


User Experience Process

  1. Stakeholder Kickoff
  2. User Interviews
  3. Competitive Evaluation
  4. Design Iterations

Stakeholder Kickoff

I start each project with a stakeholder kickoff meeting to understand and clarify the business needs and goals.

Design goals:

  • Define the primary target audience. All designs should center around the users, their goals, pain points and needs.
  • Design a clear, engaging website to drive users. My objective was differentiate the product in the market and minimize the barriers to getting started. 


User Interviews

The Considdr team had a few ideas about who their user persona was, based on existing and potential clients. However, persona was still very broad and had not been validated. I started my research by conducting interviews with existing Considdr users and recruited participants who fit into the user “profile” to understand how Considdr would fit into their work habits.

Considdr User Persona

Competitive Evaluation

In order to determine how the Considdr site performs in relation to competitors’ sites, we conducted competitive and comparative evaluations. Evaluations took two forms: a competitive review to evaluate designs for effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction, and competitive usability testing by users completing a set of tasks.


Design Iterations

We used the research findings to guide design decisions, update marketing messaging and optimize Considdr website to drive conversion. Based on the competitive review and competitive usability tests, we identified strengths and weaknesses of the existing design and content, as well as ways to improve the design to better attract and convert visitors.

considdr website before


End Result

Considdr website redesign

Because we conducted rapid user research early and often throughout the design process, we had a clearer understanding of what user needs were not being addressed and what design variations were more effective. Some benefits include:

  • Making money: Attract more targeted visitors and increase conversions
  • Increasing use: Improve clarity and increase ease of use of the website


Next Steps

During this project, I learned how difficult it is to recruit subject-matter experts with limited time and no budget. Looking back, I would have started with a stakeholder workshop to get the team to identify a more targeted user and, therefore, narrow the realm of potential participants.

Competitive analysis went well, though it is always tough to decipher what participants really mean when their actions and words speak differently. I should rephrase the questions maybe for clearer answers.